GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ) - Just ahead of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's visit to Green Bay, a member of the local Muslim community is speaking out about his view of the business mogul.
"I'm surprised that a major political party would elect or choose someone who is not believing in the Constitution and the values that have been set by the founding fathers," says Tamer Dawud of the Islamic Society of Wisconsin-Green Bay. "If anyone is following the law, regardless of their race or religion, they should not be pushed away or forced to leave the country."
According to the Republican Party of Brown County, the Trump campaign is preparing for 5,000 people to attend his town hall event with his vice presidential nominee Mike Pence.
It would be just the latest in a series of large crowds attending Trump events nationwide. But Dawud isn't surprised by his popularity.
"He is a businessman and a TV show guy, so he knows what to say and how to play on the public who listens to his speech," Dawud says. "Any expert in psychology and how to sell an idea, no matter if it's wrong or bad, you can sell the idea if you follow the proper technique and you have the money to spend on the media to convey your message the way you want."
When it comes to Green Bay or anyplace in the U.S., Dawud wants people to know that Muslim-Americans want the same things in life that you do.
"Go and break the ice, go to the nearest mosque or Muslim neighborhood and meet with the people," says Dawud. "See how those people are, and see that they are working hard in this country as you are and loyal to this country as you are."
Dawud also says the Trump's back and forth with the family of a fallen Muslim-American soldier was misguided.