SIOUX FALLS, SD (KELO-AM) The City of Sioux Falls is putting proposed gender identity amendments on the shelf, to await the outcome of legal challenges by several states against President Obama's transgender bathroom directive.
The City had wanted to add gender identity to the anti-discrimination ordinance, concerned about the loss of federal funding otherwise. South Dakota is part of the challenge against the bathroom directive that also threatened the loss of federal funding.
"We appreciate Attorney General Jackley's efforts on behalf of the State’s schools to seek the court’s guidance on the gender identity issue. In speaking with him, we believe this litigation may also help resolve this issue on withholding of any federal funding in other areas beyond education for local governments across South Dakota,” said City Attorney Dave Pfeifle.
In light of the upcoming litigation, the City Attorney's Office will recommend that the City Council allow a withdrawal of the proposed amendments to the City's ordinance. Action on adding the language to the city anti-discrimination ordinance has been delayed twice by City Council, evidence that the hot button social issue is a sensitive topic around town.
The City Attorney's Office says it will have no further comments at this time as the matter involves pending litigation.
South Dakota has joined at least 11 other states in fighting the bathroom directive that transgender students must be allowed to use the bathroom of their choice.
There may be a legislative fight to join the legal fight against the directive. South Dakota U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R) says there could be a move by him and others in Congress for a bill that would basically prevent the witholding of federal money on the transgender issue. He says the states and local communities should handle these issues, not the Federal government.